Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas To All!

Merry Christmas! All the presents and love cannot compare to anything else in the world. Am I right, er' what? What did you get for Christmas? Probably something really nice, I hope. Anywho... I was (yet AGAIN) bored out of my wits and couldn't seem to do anything. I was almost in a zombie-like state of staring into space and thinking about Ryan Buell. Which reminds me that I am still in love with Ryan Buell and I will til' the end of time. Probably even after that! All I did today was watch Paranormal State alone, which scared me quite a bit. Watching something scary alone in your room in the darkness, is something you might wanna try. It was actually fun being frightened and hiding under the covers. I highly recommend trying this! It was the highest point of all my days this week. After doing that, I grabbed a snack and almost tripped over my cat. Poor kitty! I almost stepped on his tail. After that I got off balance and fell, and the worst part is....(Drum roll please) I spilled my water over my food and it tasted like seafood(I hate seafood, and mushrooms). Of course, this sucked, but I quickly got over it. Next subject . . .
Oh yeah. I baked cookies. Chocolate chip ones. They actually came out good! I do not know how, but they came out chewy and chocolate-y. I had a fun time eating that, no doubt about it. Then I flipped through the channels on my TV (about five thousand of them) and I finally came to a stop on the Discovery Health channel. I felt really bad for this girl because she has Fibrous Dysplasia, a disease that causes thinning to the bone. The girl, Marlie Casseus, had Polysostotic Fibrous Dysplasia, which is like a tumor. Have you seen her? She is on the road to recovery after getting her tumors out and doing plastic surgery on her face. I feel really good for her because she is recovering from something horrible. She is a beautiful young lady and I was ecstatic when I saw her before and after pictures. Anyway's, after that, I researched about her disease and came up with this:
The disease is rare.
That's all I researched. That was a very smart way to waste 7 minutes of my life(sarcastic). Last topic for tonight: When is the right age for parents to tell their kids' that "Santa Claus" is not real, and why?
Best-friend: Well, I would say around eight or nine. But, i'm pretty sure they will already know from friend.
Family: They will probably hear it from outside.
Family-friend: Mine heard from her best-friend. So, no explaining that.
Me: I would say a friend would have already told them.
Cat: Meow?
So yeah. They usually hear it form friends and don't ask me how those freinds find out. Happy Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, or Happy Eid!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry X-mas Eve!

Merry X-mas Eve to all! I hope you had a great family dinner whether you had it tonight or are going to have it tomorrow night. I wish you all have a wonderful time tomorrow with your loved ones, and get all the presents "Santa Claus" gives you. So yeah. Next topic . . .
Today was pretty fun. I now officially have short hair (GASP!), and it feels weird. I now have nothing to twirl when I'm bored. Sucks for me, but hey, it's a new thing... I have to get used to it. Anyway's, my haircut was the high-point of my boring day. I am still obsessed with Ryan Buell(his nickname is Ry-Ry now, don't ask how It came to be), and I am planning on doing a little bit of "ghost hunting" at my house. I am pretty scared to try it but, ghosts have always intrigued me alot! I try to ask if there is an entity in my house, but I chicken out, and I don't know why. I always try to bring up something paranormal in a conversation, just to see what people think about it. Some people don't believe, but who is to say that we don't share our planet with the afterlife? We have believers and skeptics but it's clear that I am a believer. I care what people think about ghosts and psychics but at the same time, I don't care. It's like an on-and-off topic. But, let's get onto another topic. It's getting to a point where it is too intense for an online blog(LOL). So, now let's talk about a random subject. The first thing that came into my head was chicken. And chicken reminds me of what I ate for dinner, and that reminds me of when I had 6 chicken's for pets'. My chickens were awesome and fun. But my neighbors ruined the fun when they complained to our city that the chicken's make too much noise(I HATE THY NEIGHBOR, I DO NOT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR). They were all hens, rooster's make the noise! But my neighbors' ears' were full of poop to listen to us. (HeHeHe) So yeah. I miss them. New topic, and this will be the last one for tonight: Christmas and what it has to do with "Santa Claus". Essentially, Christmas is Jesus' birthday, but what does a fat man with a white beard have to do with it? Personally, I don't know... But I asked people, and this is what I heard:
Best-Friend: Well, maybe society has changed Jesus' image to a fat man. Who know's?
Family: We really don't know.
Family Friend: I just don't worry about it, he brings joy to the kid's and that's all I need.
Cat: Meow, Meow, Meow. Purr.
Me: I seriously do not know. But, I will research on it!
OK. I researched it and people have said that it is derived from Saint Nicholas. It kinda makes sense, well, in a way. But don't think too much of it, just celebrate it and have some holiday fun!
Thanks for reading! Enjoy more blogs that are coming soon!
PS. If you don't celebrate Xmas, then Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hannukah, or Happy Eid!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Little Bit About Me...

Hey, It's Sondos here! It's my first time "blogging" and it's pretty fun so far. Here is a little bit about me:

My name is Sondos. I know, it's weird, but it's unique. So don't hate it!

I love the colors sky blue, hot pink, and lime green(in that order).

Favorite Movie's: House on Haunted Hill 1&2, Slumdog Millionaire, Matilda(a family favorite), and Dumb&Dumber. But mostly anything scary.

Favorite TV show's: PARANORMAL STATE(always and forever), Spongebob, Family Guy, The Cleaveland Show, American Dad, Psychic Kids, George Lopez, Everybody Hates Chris, Malcolm in the Middle, and last but not least..... well, I think that's it!

Ultimate Crush: RYAN BUELL. Such a cutie. LOL. He is just... words cannot explain it! SO HOT!PS. The guy up there, thats Ryan!
Favorite Animal: CATS CATS AMD MORE CATS. I love every animal, but cats just top them all. But i also love dogs and bunnies!
Clothes: Mostly Hollister and Abercrombie, But I do wear other things.
Family: 4 Brothers and one sister. Fun, isn't it?
Pets: Oreo's, 4 years old, black&white cat, male. Sugar, 2 years old, Siamese/Birman mix cat, Female. Dexter, 1 years old, Black and White Bunny, male.
Hero's: Obama, Ryan Buell.
So. Yep. That's it. Enjoy my blogs! *I LOVE RYAN BUELL<3*